Hello! Iā€™m Natalie Rotman Cote, photographer, painter, and surface pattern designer. I've been studying photography for 25+ years and have learned an important fact..


Most of what makes a photo great happens before you even press the shutter button!Ā 


I've created this course to help you quickly learn how to take great photos that will truly wow you and will make you proud to share with others!


This course is perfect for you as an every day photo taker, or photography hobbyist, who wants to transform your photography skills.Ā 

Enrollment is currently closed for this course. Join the waitlist to hear more from Natalie's Art and when the course will open for enrollment.

Join the Waitlist

Here are some of the exciting benefits you'll experience from taking this course!Ā 

  • As you become more confident in your photography skills, taking photos will be easierĀ and more fun
  • You'll be proud of your images and will happily share them with family, friends, and in the workplace
  • You'll see the world differently - in a more exciting and detailed way

Ā *Images in this section were generated by Midjourney AI

  • Your photos will tell a story, better preserving precious memories of family, travel, and special occasions
  • Your photos will look how you want them to look - no more disappointment
  • You'll save time learning by having all the tips in one place, thoughtfully presented for easy learning


  • You'll be ready to take amazing vacation photos and create beautiful photo books of your adventures
  • Your creativity will be sparked and you'll find photography becomes a great creative outlet for stress-free fun
  • You'll meet like-minded shutterbugs who want to learn, improve, and enjoy taking great photos

You can improve your photosĀ by learning how to thinkĀ and

how to seeĀ before you press the shutter!

I can show you how! Here are some of my own images.

Join the Waitlist


"I consider myself a beginner photographer,Ā  mostly capturing vacation scenes, pets, and flowers. My photos mean a lot to me, but they often fall short of what I envision.

This course has provided me with invaluable tips on composition, framing, and lighting that have significantly improved my basic images."

- Janet H.

"Since taking this course I view everyday things very differently than I did before. I love that I learned how to enhance and edit my photos.

I take a lot more pictures than I ever did. Beautiful nature and weather photos.

I highly recommend this course. It truly changed the way I see.. I see beauty in things I never did before."

- Claire S.

"I've taken this course to start off my new photography hobby. I've been inspired to (and did) buy a camera!

Iā€™m going to take photos of my own to put on my e-frame to share with family andĀ  friends."Ā Ā 

- Steve C.

"The interesting examples and practical advice have truly made a difference. I found this course to be a great addition to my artistic education, with valuable insights in every lesson."Ā 

- Janet H.

"I've picked up lots of tips, techniques & inspiration already (while working through the course). Natalie, thank you for sharing your skills!"

ā€“ Pat B.

"This course is amazing! You've got me thinking about things I've never thought about photography before!"

- Louise B.

THANK YOU for your interest. I hope to see you in the course the next time it is offered!Ā 

Please share this page with friends, family, and co-workers who might be interested in learning to take great photos. Getting the word out requires some help, and I would be grateful for your help.Ā 


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